rachel miller · ux · projects & writing · pictures, please

Some clips

It's low tide on the sound, New York Public Library + National Poetry Month, 2020

Marie Tribouilloy of FĂ´ret, The Wine Zine Issue 03, 2019

WeWork Propaganda, Ideas by WeWork, 2019

Kimberly Drew: Brooklyn 100, Brooklyn Magazine, 2017

The Joys of Texting Myself,The Awl, 2017

Hang on to Your New Sincerity, White People, Brooklyn Magazine, 2016

A Presto History of the Metronome, Tom Tom Magazine, 2016
Exhibition texts

Proto-Book, Exhibition text for Prototypes and Pilots at Fastnet Gallery, 2016, Brooklyn, NY

\000/, Exhibition text for Nicholas Cueva's Sex Wax, Freight + Volume, New York, NY

Guide, Phantom Sandwich, presented at Sandwich Club Summit: Something Different, Wassaic, NY 2017

Group show, Sir Cuts A Lot, Fastnet, Brooklyn, NY 2016

Co-creator, gifwich-maker.com, presented at Sandwich Club Summit: New Narratives, Wassaic, NY 2015

Curator, Schlechthin Unvergleichlich, Sixty One Main, Andes, New York 2015

Moving Image Art Fair Sells First-Ever "Vine-Art", The Guardian, 2013

Ray Smith at Parade Ground Gallery, The Huffington Post, 2013

Everything from Brooklyn Magazine

Everything from Art Observed

Everything from Tom Tom Magazine